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Anàlisis d'ADN en 25 minuts

M'arriba una notícia curiosa vía l'empresa NEC ha desenvolupat un laboratori portàtil per realitzar anàlisis d'ADN en vint-i-cinc minuts.
Segons, està pensat per a ser utilitzat per forces policials, directament a l'escena del crim. El lliurament previsiblement serà durant el 2008. Més dades tècniques:
NEC’s new portable system, on the other hand, can perform all the processes within the same unit — and it can do it all more quickly. In particular, the compact unit can be used to: (1) take cell samples, (2) extract the DNA, (3) perform polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification to generate copies of the DNA, (4) perform electrophoresis to measure the spacing between DNA bands (to create the genetic fingerprint), and (5) perform short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to create a unique genetic profile for the individual. In addition, the compact unit dramatically speeds up the processes — particularly the repeated heating and cooling processes performed in PCR amplification — making it possible to complete the entire DNA analysis in 25 minutes.
Ara toca esperar a veure si es confirma el llançament i les prestacions finals.

Si algú està d'humor: NEC press release
