Presentat el manual "Investigative Uses of Technology: Devices, Tools, and Techniques" del NIJ, National Institute of Justice dels Estats Units.
La presentació:
La presentació:
This NIJ special report discusses techniques and resources for investigating technology-related crime. It explains technology-related tools and devices that an investigator may encounter or that may assist an investigation, and legal issues affecting the use of high technology. Devices not only can aid an investigation; they can facilitate crime. For example, criminals can use cell phones to trigger explosives and credit cards and other customer cards to engage in fraud, theft, and identity theft. For each device described, the report provides an overview of their functions and usefulness to investigators. Devices can be multifunctional (e.g., cell phones can perform camera functions). As more functions converge into a single device, investigators need to be aware that relevant information can be stored in seemingly mundane or commonplace objects or devices.El podeu descarregar en format PDF des d'aquí.